Coworking Is Helping Parents Achieve Work-Family Balance

Prior to the pandemic, many working parents longed to work from home to avoid time-wasting commutes and to spend more time with their families. As companies were forced to pivot and include remote working, some have kept that routine as they were able to reduce office space as a way to cut back on overhead. However, what has also come to light over the past several years is that, for many, efficiency dropped because of distractions at home. An 8-hour workday could easily turn into a full day of work and family tasks, but not feeling like either one received quality attention. Multi-tasking family...

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Hybrid, Remote, and Coworking Are Here to Stay

The recent global pandemic that shuttered office doors for months on end and permanently for many companies is slowly loosening its grip on our lives – both personally and professionally.  The old ways of requiring employees to commute to a set physical location to complete work that can largely be completed easier and better remotely are no longer viable. The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a catalyst for cementing a shift in the workplace that has been coming for a long time. That shift is the hybrid workplace model. The hybrid workplace model is not new, though it has grown exponentially...

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